117-118 St Mary Street, Cardiff, CF10 1DY
This is notification of commencement of the Pre-Application Consultation Stage, in line with statutory requirements of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015. The date of commencement is 1st November 2021, and all responses must be received by 28th November 2021.
What are the proposals?
“Change of use, internal reconfiguration, first and second floor rear extension, and single storey rooftop extension to provide 12no. residential flats at the upper floors of 117-118 St Mary Street. Creation of a new residential entrance and external alterations to 118 St Mary Street”.
Following this consultation, we will be submitting a planning application this Winter to take the project forward. The proposed residential development will deliver much needed dwellings in the heart of Cardiff City Centre located just 330m north from Central Station Square.
The application site is located within a highly sustainable location within Cardiff City Centre. However, the upper floors have been vacant for over 3 years, meaning that they have not been able to fulfil their designated office use. The proposed development would therefore provide 12no. residential flats on the upper floors of 117-118 St Mary Street, ensuring that the important historic asset is put back into beneficial use.
The supporting reports and plans demonstrate that the proposed development will respect the character of the area having considered the scale, massing, and height of the adjacent buildings, and that all technical matters have been positively addressed.

Item | Description | Author |
1 | Planning application forms (with completed ownership certificates) | KEW Planning |
2 | PAC Planning Statement* *This Statement will be amended upon the submission of the application. | KEW Planning |
3 | Heritage Impact Assessment | KEW Planning |
4 | Design and Access Statement | ECE Westworks |
5 | Site location plan | ECE Westworks |
6 | Proposed Site Layout | ECE Westworks |
7 | Existing Ground and First Floor | ECE Westworks |
8 | Existing Second Floor Plan | ECE Westworks |
9 | Proposed Ground and First Floor Plan | ECE Westworks |
10 | Proposed Second and Third Floor Plan | ECE Westworks |
11 | Demolition Diagrams | ECE Westworks |
12 | Existing Front Elevation | ECE Westworks |
13 | Existing Rear Elevation | ECE Westworks |
14 | Proposed Front Elevation | ECE Westworks |
15 | Proposed Rear Elevation | ECE Westworks |
16 | Proposed Side Elevations | ECE Westworks |
17 | Areas and Accommodation | ECE Westworks |
18 | Transport Statement | Apex Transport Limited |
19 | Noise Impact Assessment | Parker Jones |