Swansea City Council
Proposed Development:
Application 1:
Planning application for the refurbishment and extensions to the existing care home to create a new residential facility for young adults and children.
Pre-Application project 2:
The construction of 6 self-contained one-person homes, communal spaces, support and staff facilities.
Planning Issues:
Application 1:
Design impact on the wider open countryside and the nearby trees had to be addressed in the application
Application 2:
The site sits outside of the settlement boundary and is located within a designated Landscape Protection area (Policy ER5). The access road is a single track which is narrow and not well utilised, requiring upgrade works. The site is also a Site of Nature Conservation (SINC) and suitable for a range of protected species.
Application 1:
This application was approved via delegated powers, despite an objection from a local Councillor regarding the impact on the road and transport.
Application 2:
This project is ongoing, with the first stage of pre-application having been undertaken. Officers are supportive, in principle, subject to addressing all the criteria of planning policy. Consultation with social services is also required to demonstrate the criteria of policy H10 (Specialist Housing) has been addressed.