Lawful Development Certificates

In those instances where clients wish to confirm that the existing use of a building or land is lawful for planning purposes, or that the proposed development does not require planning permission, we can advise on the submission of Lawful Development Certificates.

In those instances where clients wish to confirm that the existing use of a building or land is lawful for planning purposes, or that the proposed development does not require planning permission, we can advise on the submission of Lawful Development Certificates, both Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) and Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD).

We review with our clients the available evidence to support the case, search for additional evidence if required, and draft Statutory Declarations.

In more complex cases, we can draw upon our extensive network of planning lawyers and solicitors to help build a strong case for submission and ensure a successful outcome.

What's Included