St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College, Ty-Gwyn Road, Cardiff, CF23 5QD
This is a notification of commencement of the Pre-Application Consultation Stage, in line with the statutory requirements of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015. The date of commencement is 6th August 2021, and all responses must be received by 3rd September 2021.
What are the proposals?
“Demolition of an existing teaching block and the construction of a two-storey teaching facility (Class D1) on the grounds of St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College.”
Following this consultation, we will be submitting a planning application to take the project forward. The project team is aiming to deliver this much needed new teaching block to facilitate 9no. new classrooms, a Lecture Theatre and ICT facilities to allow the College to expand their academic programme for current and future pupils. We are committed to working with neighbours and the local community to help us achieve this.

Item | Description | Author |
1 | Planning Application Forms | KEW Planning |
2 | PAC Planning Statement | KEW Planning |
3 | Design And Access Statement | Chapter 3 Architects |
4 | Site Location Plan | Chapter 3 Architects |
5 | Existing Site Plan | Chapter 3 Architects |
6 | Proposed Site Plan | Chapter 3 Architects |
7 | Ground Floor Plan | Chapter 3 Architects |
8 | First Floor Plan | Chapter 3 Architects |
9 | Roof Plan | Chapter 3 Architects |
10 | Elevations | Chapter 3 Architects |
11 | Transport Statement | Apex Transport Limited |
12 | Landscaping Scheme | Bronwen Thomas Landscape Architect |
13 | Outline Drainage Strategy | NJP Consulting Engineers Ltd |
14 | Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and Initial Bat Roosting Survey | Landmark Practice |