The requirement to undertake pre-application consultation applies to all applications for ‘Major’ development, as defined in Article 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (DMPWO).
The proposed development constitutes ‘Major’ development as the application involves the provision of more than 10 dwellings, creates over 1,000 square metres of floor area, and is on a site of over 1ha.
The application is seeking permission for the erection of extensions and refurbishment of the comprehensive element of the wider school campus; this will include:
· the erection of a new 3 storey teaching block
· the erection of a design and technology block;
· the erection of a new sports hall;
· the erection of a new reception /entrance area;
· creation of new plant room;
· the provision of a new MUGA pitch area;
· the provision of a new 3G all weather sports pitch;
· the creation of a new coach drop off / pick up area.
There is a requirement to meet the BB98 Design Code and the Education Design Advice to ensure that the school meets modern standards.
The draft planning application supporting documents can be found below: