Newport Leisure Centre

Land at Usk Way, Newport, NP20 2BP

This is notification of commencement of the Pre-Application Consultation Stage, in line with the statutory requirements of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015. The date of commencement is 20th July 2021, and all responses must be received by 17th August 2021.

What are the proposals:

Construction of a new Leisure Centre (D2) and Community Health and Wellbeing Centre (D1), including a pool hall.

Following this consultation, we will be submitting a planning application this Autumn to take the project forward. The Council are aiming to deliver this much needed leisure centre to encourage people to use this community hub and revitalise this area of Newport. The Council is committed to working with neighbours and the local community to help us do this.


1Planning application forms (with completed ownership certificates)KEW Planning
2Covering LetterKEW Planning
31909-LAA-XX-XX-DR-A-01000 Rev P02 – Location PlanLA Architects
41909-LAA-XX-XX-DR-A-01002 Rev P01 – Proposed Location PlanLA Architects
51909-LAA-XX-XX-DR-A-01022 Rev P05 – Proposed Site PlanLA Architects
61909-LAA-XX-B1-DR-A-02100 Rev P04 – Proposed Basement PlanLA Architects
71909-LAA-XX-00-DR-A-02101 Rev P04– Proposed Ground Floor PlanLA Architects
81909-LAA-XX-01-DR-A-02102 Rev P04 – Proposed First Floor PlanLA Architects
91909-LAA-XX-02-DR-A-02103 Rev P03 – Proposed Second Floor PlanLA Architects
101909-LAA-XX-RF-DR-A-02104 Rev P04– Proposed Roof PlanLA Architects
111909-LAA-XX-XX-DR-A-1200 Rev P04 – Proposed ElevationsLA Architects
121909-LAA-XX-XX-DR-A-02300 Rev P04 – Proposed SectionsLA Architects
13Planning, Design and Access StatementKEW Planning
14Transport Statement (Ref: CC2207-CAM-ZZ-XX-RP-C-0001)Cambria
15Travel Plan (Ref: CC2207-CAM-ZZ-XX-RP-C-0002)Cambria
16Acoustics; Stage 3 ReportHoare Lea
17Landscape Scheme – Full Planting schedule and tree speciesThe Richards Partnership
18Archaeological Desk Based AssessmentArchaeology Wales
19Archaeological Watching BriefArchaeology Wales
20Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA)PHG Consulting Engineers
21Drainage StrategyPHG Consulting Engineers
22Phase 1: Preliminary Ecological AssessmentThe Landmark Practice
23Geotechnical Investigation Remediation ReportPrecision
24Sustainability StatementHoare Lea
25Heritage Impact AssessmentKEW Planning
26Tree Assessment and Method StatementMackley Davies
27Fire Strategy ReportHoare Lea
28Lighting StrategyHoare Lea

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